
2023 comes to a close

How was your 2023? Are you happy or sad to see it go, or does it not matter?

2023 was a mixed bag for me. The highest of highs and the lowest of lows were reached in 2023. All in all, it was a fantastic year indeed. As the end of the year draws near, I’m trying to focus on the positive. Nothing negative. There is always a positive. No matter what 2023 has taken from me, it has given me so much more. I am closing out this year grateful and hopeful. I am grateful for my most beautiful experiences, love, friends, nature, and life.

I am closing out the year with five unfinished books I am writing. I can’t seem to stick to only one at a time. I write these books when the mood strikes. They include memoirs, a novel titled “Under the Willow Tree,” a non-fiction book called “Growing up in Seaford,” another unnamed book, and a book of poetry entitled “Dandelion Wishes.” One goal is to write a little each evening.

Additionally, I am excited to share my latest project, which involves upcycling bags. These bags will be tailored to people’s interests and preferences. The first bag I am making is nature-inspired, and every part holds a special meaning. I am also making junk journals. I am hoping to open an Etsy shop as soon as I have enough product to sell.

I don’t know if this new venture will go far, but I have high hopes and am optimistic. I have a lot of high hopes for not only me but for you and everyone in 2024. High hopes are essential. I learned that during my early elementary school years at Seaford Manor, when we sang the song “High Hopes,” I was in awe of that little old ant. We may not have had Frank singing along with us, but we learned a lesson. If that little ant could move a rubber tree plant, we could do anything we put our minds to. We just had to have high hopes. Henry Ford once said, “Whether you think you can or you think you can’t – you’re right,” So think you can. It worked for that little old ant and it worked for Henry Ford, who we all know was highly successful. 

I love being creative, whether crafting, writing, photography or even at work. Whenever life gets tough, my creative self goes into overdrive. It is what saves me. Thanks be to God. Being able to express the many treasures of my heart in a tangible way through art has been a Godsend.

I spent 2023 just letting my hair down, being me, doing the things I love, and spending time with those I love. Life is short. Embrace it. Do what you love. Many people think about making bucket lists. Why not make one for just the year 2024? Why wait? You never know when the earth will stop spinning or who will be elected president in November. I have high hopes for the latter. Remember, think positive.

How are you spending the last evening of 2023? I’m glad I have my daughter here for the holidays. Having her here to close out 2023 and ring in 2024 will be wonderful. We are looking forward to our tradition of going outside at midnight, where we will bang pans while shouting Happy New Year and then light some small fireworks and sparklers while having high hopes for 2024.

My advice, for whatever it is worth, for 2024 is. Live it. That is an excellent resolution. Live your life. Live it doing what you love and giving the world your best self in every thing you do. You got this.

Are you unhappy? So many words of wisdom are all over the net. You need to search out ways to get happy. Reach out to friends and family. Do what you can to change what you can. Don’t worry, be happy! One thing I know…get out in nature…it gets your endorphins up naturally and will help you feel better. Also, don’t drink cold water. Drink room temp. Cold water takes away your happy (advice from a traditional Chinese medicine doctor). I also highly recommend speaking to a psychologist. If you are interested in that, I know a wonderful psychologist who does virtual visits. Let me know and I will give you his number. You won’t be sorry and what a great way to start our 2024.

Living your life means taking care of your health in all aspects – body mind and spirit. So try taking a step to better health by cutting out those poisons that are harming you such as processed foods, simple carbs, sugar, fried foods, fast food, and inflammatory foods. I know it is not easy. A good way to start is to really see these foods as poison to your body. When they are in your system they really wreak havoc causing inflammation which then causes disease. Also exercise and if you cannot exercise then walk if you can, walk every day. It is so good for not only your body, but your mind as well. Same with eating healthy. If anyone needs motivation, I can be your motivator. I would do that…I promise. Just like AAA has sponsors, I can be your health sponsor, lol.

Along with eating right and exercise, getting out in nature is one of the healthiest things you can do for yourself. Some of the benefits are:

  • boosting the immune system
  • lowering blood pressure
  • reducing stress
  • improving mood
  • increasing ability to focus
  • accelerating recovery from surgery or illness
  • increasing energy level
  • improving sleep

The longer the time I spend in nature, the better I feel. It truly does wonders. Make 2024 a year you spend more time in nature.

I have always loved John Denver. He was a big outdoorsman who felt that nature was his home. That resonates with me. My favorite song of his is “Annie’s Song”. I love how the lyrics express deep, profound love through the relationship of nature and senses. I just really love what he did there. They say you have so much more clarity when in nature. He wrote this song in 10 minutes on a ski lift. Here are his words: “Suddenly I was hypersensitive to how beautiful everything was. All of these things filled up my senses. When I said this to myself images came one after the other. The night in the forest, a walk in the rain, the mountains in springtime. All of the pictures merged and then what I was left with was Annie. That song was the embodiment of the love that I felt at the time. In the ten minutes it took to reach the top of the mountain, the song was there.” Listen to the song, look at the images and fill up your senses.

I wanted to post John Denver’s Annie’s song here, but unfortunately it is not letting me. It is a beautiful song, that I am sure you already know.

Now, what are your aspirations for 2024? to get healthier? to quit smoking or vaping cigarettes, or drinking? If you are thinking of stopping any addictions, that would certainly be a great start to 2024. Just do it! Make 2024 your year. You can do it. You can do anything you put your mind to. If anyone needs tips or someone to be there to encourage you, then message me. I will help. If you yourself, don’t struggle with these then reach out and give encouragement to someone who does.

Get out and do the things you love to do:

Do you want to camp in the woods or on the beach? stargaze? build a snowman, catch fish? run through an open field barefoot and blow dandelion wishes? write a book? buy a gun for protection? plan a waterfall trip? get on a plane to visit a loved one? learn an instrument? paint? learn another language? water ski, jet ski, kayak, or snowmobile for the first time? run in a race? build a treehouse? make your room into your sanctuary? enter a contest? do an open mic? visit a national park? plant a garden? make a rock garden? randomly scatter wildflowers? learn to dance? play in the snow? feed the homeless? drive cross country? hike? ride a motorcycle? visit every nature preserve and botanic garden where you live? go to a concert? go boating? take up archery? take a trip? go to montauk? dance in the rain? eat with your fingers?

Okay, you get my drift. Do things you love. Just as long as it is healthy for your body, mind, heart, and soul, do it. Don’t let fear hold you back. You are capable. You don’t have to be perfect. I am so far from perfect in any of my endeavors. The point is, if it brings you joy, why not just do it. It doesn’t need to be perfect. It just needs to be you.

Some people do not do what they love because too many things hold them down. You have one life to live. You don’t need to do everything, but just try to do something you love every week. If you have time on your lunch hour, eat outside, breathe in the air and soak up the sun (vitamin d). You are precious and you deserve to do these things for yourself. If you like to do things but don’t want to do them alone, and no one can join you, try them alone. You might surprise yourself and enjoy it.

Side note here: wise words of wisdom from my stepmother. I was 22 years old and wanted to go to a concert that was that day. I could not get anyone to go with me. My stepmother said “Just go by yourself”. Go by myself? I questioned. She said “yes, if you wait on others you will never do anything. Go by yourself”. Guess what? I went by myself and had an amazing time. An opportunity missed if I just stayed home because I didn’t want to go alone. I went to many of these concerts alone and that was a fun time in my life. After I had my daughter, she joined me. I also became good friends with someone in the band who I still keep in touch with til this day. Those were good times. So don’t ever fear going alone. Being alone isn’t so bad…you get to hang with one of the best people you know – yourself! lol. And you never know who you might meet.

So spend 2024 loving yourself, being good to yourself , and taking care of yourself. You are worth it. Never forget that. Then Love others with all your heart and seek out those who are good for your soul. Weed out the toxic people. You don’t deserve their ill treatment. No one does. Put out the trash and take in the treasure.

Volunteer and help all those who need help. Don’t think you don’t have the time? Think of the many minutes you waste in your day. Those minutes could be very precious to another. Even a phone call to check on someone is golden.

Be well my friends. Thank your creator every day for another breath and all the beauty life has to offer. Be kind, humble, be your best self, make a difference, and always hold on to your dream. Never ever give up on your dreams, NEVER! Keep them alive and do not let anyone crush them. love and peace my friends. As George Harrison said “Give me love, give me love, give me peace on earth. May you have that in abundance in 2024.

In the poem Desiderata, I close with my more wishes for you and your loved ones for 2024.
A Happy, Healthy, Safe, New Year to all! oh and before I put up the clip let me add something from a blog I found about Motto’s to live by by Leigh Weingus.

Mottos to Live By

1. When life gives you lemons, make lemonade.

2. Life every day like it’s your last.

3. Be yourself. Everyone else is already taken.

4. Be the change you wish to see in the world.

5. Let go of who you think you’re supposed to be and embrace who you are.

6. If you are not obsessed with your life, change it.

7. Set some goals, then demolish them.

8. A ship at harbor is safe, but that’s not what ships are for.

9. Take small steps every day.

10. If you’re tired of starting over, stop giving up.

11. Be a rainbow in someone else’s cloud.

12. Don’t sweat the small stuff

13. Will this matter a year from now? 

14. Always remember to fall asleep with a dream and wake up with a purpose.

15. If you are not wiling to risk the unusual, you will have to settle for the ordinary.

16. Always find a reason to laugh.

17. What’s meant to be will always find a way. 

18. If you can’t stop thinking about it, don’t stop working for it.

19. Life is a one time offer, use it well.

6 replies on “2023 comes to a close”

I loved Frank Sinatra singing “High Hopes”. It was definitely a pick me up. You have written words to live by Mary. Thank you for sharing. Positivity is the way to go.

I love your blog.
So much to think about.
So grateful for life and precious moments.

Simplicity and purity of heart is what I want to focus on this year.

Happy New Year to you and your family

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