
i hope you dance

I love dancing. In my younger years, I was too self-conscious to dance without having a few drinks first. Once I got out onto that dance floor, I didn’t want to stop once I started dancing. All those nights dancing in rock and new wave clubs like Granny’s Attic, Malibu, Spit, Speaks, and the OBI were fun times shared with friends. I am glad I no longer need a few drinks to loosen up and dance. Do you remember those days? Gosh, our self-esteem really needed a good kick in the pants. Mine did, anyway. Not today. Today, I have a different mindset.

This past summer, I loved going to see live bands. One band I saw, one of my favorites, was “Just Sixties.” They played at a beach, and I danced for the first time in the sand. Just being barefoot and feeling that sand under my feet was such a new, delightful experience.
Dancing is good for your mind, body, and soul. It lifts you up and energizes you. It releases those good endorphins. I think about the different times I danced and the feelings evoked. It was all fun and happy feelings. A favorite dancing memory was as a teen dancing all crazy with my friends in my tiny bedroom, especially with Lois. Hey, if you are reading this, remember Lo? Elton John’s Yellow Brick Road album and Crocodile Rock. Also, Judy in Disguise with Glasses and all the other 45s that were in the case my eldest brother threw away, and I took like a Red Rubber Ball. We had so much fun. Last summer, when we saw an Elton John tribute band, Lois and I relived being 15 again, singing along to Saturday Night’s Alright for Fighting, but with our own rendition of a specific part of it, laughing and feeling young again.

One of my favorite memories of dancing is with my son when he was little. I would put music on, and we would dance together, all crazy in the living room. It was so much fun.

And then there is slow dancing. Such an intimate moment between lovers. Being so close to each other, lost in the moment, physically moving to the music while words of love pour out from a song straight into your soul. I imagine this is the way it is with those who are so deeply in love.

The song I hope you dance is taking dance into the whole of your life. At the end of 9th grade, I recall my moving up dance, sitting with friends against the wall, watching others dance, and inside just wanting so badly to dance but sitting it out. That is the song Just Dance. Don’t sit on the sidelines, don’t sit it out. Get out and do the things you love to do. Embrace life deeply.

Live… genuinely live with your whole being. Do the things you want to do. Go to the places you want to go. Be with the people you want to be with. Don’t be on the sidelines. Life is too short. “Never fear those mountains in the distance, never settle for the path of least resistance, Livin’ might mean takin’ chances, but they’re worth takin'”. If there are things you want to do, do what you can to make those things possible. Make those things happen. LIVE!

Love… genuinely love with your whole being. Live love. Be love. Put your heart into everything. He who closes off their heart misses out on much. You take a chance on love,”Lovin’ might be a mistake, but it’s worth makin'”, and Don’t let some Hell bent heart leave you bitter, when you come close to sellin’ out reconsider”, Love others and love yourself. Love yourself enough to know not to accept ill treatment from others. and never sell out. Love yourself enough to know you are worthy of being deeply loved and love others that way. Give them your best. Imagine a world where we all loved like that. With all our hearts, minds, and souls. Where we take selfishness out of the equation and just purely love. I want that world. I desperately want that world. But that is where we are headed if we heaven. Heaven is that world. Speaking of heaven, you should always “Give the heavens above more than just a passing glance”,
And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance. if you have that kind of love with just one person here on earth, you have everything. Anyway, the point is LOVE LOVE LOVE!!! It is not always easy at all, but just try to love. Even the small ways by a kind gesture, a smile, an acknowledgement. You don’t have to do big things, like St. Terese you can do small things with great love.

Laugh… genuinely laugh. Have fun and enjoy all the beautiful moments. Laugh with your whole being. Loosen up. Don’t be so serious. There is much to laugh at. Even ourselves. Be happy. Like that song, Don’t Worry, Be Happy. Then when you do not worry you will be happy and laugh more often.

Take every opportunity to embrace the beauty in life. Take a chance on love and have faith. Go for and grab onto that golden ring.
So dear friends. Join me in not wasting a moment. Make your life the best. Don’t stay stagnant. It doesn’t mean you have to keep moving. Just keep growing. Don’t let anyone keep you down. Life is short. Enjoy every moment. Do what you love, whether going on an adventure or chilling. Just do it. Do what you love.
And get out into the great outdoors and enjoy the beauty of nature. It is so good for you… body, mind, and soul. But whatever it is you want to do…Do it now.

My hope for you is that you dance! Don’t sit it out. Just dance.

I am sorry, something is not working right when I try to embed the video. Click on the link then click on you tube and then where it says watch on you tube.


dream your dreams, don’t let them die

There she was, a little girl, day after day, gazing out the classroom window, watching the plethora of dreams she held in her heart float out the window, swirling and twirling with every thought in her imaginative mind through the warm springtime air, dancing upon the flowers and rising towards the sun, just like the dandelion fluffs she wished on. The voice of the teacher was a distant wah, wah, wah.

Even in high school, she daydreamed and doodled away on her brown paper bag-covered book while she thought of many things, many dreams, many hopes. She was always daydreaming. Always imagining different scenarios. She had a vivid imagination that took her to many places. She imagined all sorts of magical happenings and fairy tale endings.

That little girl was me. I was always a daydreamer. I still am. A few years ago, one of my dreams died a painful death. As a believer in dreams and happy every afters that heartbreaking experience took that belief from me. If that dream, which I believed in so deeply, died, how could any dream come true? If that dream could die, all dreams could. No sense in dreaming anymore. Dreams weren’t safe as they shattered, I told myself, and as my imaginative mind looked upon the shards of colored glass lying at my feet, the sun glistening off them as if it was trying to keep them alive. I almost no longer believed. Without the light of dreams or hope, the world was dark.

Allow yourself to dream again.

When talking to my dear friend, Robyn, about the shattered dream and how I don’t believe in dreams coming true anymore, she said, “You just never know.” ” you just never know.” How true those four words are. A simple but compelling statement. At first, I was not ready to accept it. My dream was a big part of me. I thought of what she said, flexed my dream muscles, and found some new strength. The death of a dream doesn’t have to be the end of your hopes.

I grabbed hold of the idea of “you never know” and continued living my life and embracing the things that made me happy. New and different dreams started growing. When your dream dies, it doesn’t mean your hope dies. The death of one dream could actually lead to an even better dream. You just never know! Allow yourself to grab hold of the next dream, whatever it may be.

I believe again and am filled with hopes and dreams. So many dreams different dreams now swirling and twirling within, floating to their destination of happily ever after. Writing has always been one of those dreams and here I am now writing a blog. How did I get here? With the love and encouragement of some dear friends…you know who you are. Not sure how good I am, not too many read my blogs, or if they do, they do not comment. I only know a handful of people who have expressed that they do enjoy it. But even if I am not yet the seasoned writer I long to be, the thing is, I worked on this dream and made it come true, and I am so appreciative of those who encouraged it to take that big step. I even have two children books I have written an and have taken on writing a few more books with the dream of one day being an accomplished author. Yup, you have to have dreams and you have to believe they can come true. If you never try, it will never happen. Dream it, live it.

We all know them. I love my dad so much, and I miss him like crazy; God rest his soul, but he killed a big dream for me. I always dreamed of being a teacher. When it came time for college, he asked me if I wanted to go and what I wanted to be. I replied, “A teacher is all I ever wanted to be.” He told me no, that teachers don’t make enough money, and it is tough to get a job as a teacher, so I didn’t go to college. He was a dream killer. I don’t blame him. He was only looking out for me and doing his best. I blame myself; I should have considered ways to do that alone. I, in turn, was a dream killer as well. My daughter wanted to go to college for acting. I told her she needed a fallback. She said if you have a fallback you will fall back. I told her not to go for acting. I was a dream killer. I hate that I did that. There will always be people who try to knock down your dream or make you feel like you could never live that dream or that you just aren’t good enough. Walk away. Don’t give them any headspace. Don’t let anyone kill your dreams. Believe in yourself and live your dreams.

At almost 64 years old, I am still a daydreamer, believing in dreams, fairy tales, and happy ever-afters. I believe in the power to make yourself, and your life, the best you can. I believe in wonderful people who reach into your heart and fill it with love. You should never shut down, but keep being the beautiful spirit you are who believes in the magical, the good, the beautiful, and in excellent, positive outcomes. I believe in love, joy, hope, fun, laughter, goodness, positivity, the energy of nature, and God’s power. I believe in you. Keep on dreaming! Don’t ever let your dreams die. You may have messed up your past, but you can better your future. Don’t settle, don’t think you can’t, and don’t listen to negative, harmful, toxic talk. Be you and live your dream.

Always let your imaginations soar and take you to the highest of heights. I saw the movie “Wonka” today, and I really liked it. I especially liked that it was about imagination, making your dreams come true, and believing. I also really like this song. I encourage all of you to never give up on your dreams. I have a two friends who are wonderful writers who write so beautifully. You know who you are. You are both one of the best and your books would definitely be flying off the shelves. Anthony, and Robyn, Believe in your dreams. Everyone, believe in your dreams


2023 comes to a close

How was your 2023? Are you happy or sad to see it go, or does it not matter?

2023 was a mixed bag for me. The highest of highs and the lowest of lows were reached in 2023. All in all, it was a fantastic year indeed. As the end of the year draws near, I’m trying to focus on the positive. Nothing negative. There is always a positive. No matter what 2023 has taken from me, it has given me so much more. I am closing out this year grateful and hopeful. I am grateful for my most beautiful experiences, love, friends, nature, and life.

I am closing out the year with five unfinished books I am writing. I can’t seem to stick to only one at a time. I write these books when the mood strikes. They include memoirs, a novel titled “Under the Willow Tree,” a non-fiction book called “Growing up in Seaford,” another unnamed book, and a book of poetry entitled “Dandelion Wishes.” One goal is to write a little each evening.

Additionally, I am excited to share my latest project, which involves upcycling bags. These bags will be tailored to people’s interests and preferences. The first bag I am making is nature-inspired, and every part holds a special meaning. I am also making junk journals. I am hoping to open an Etsy shop as soon as I have enough product to sell.

I don’t know if this new venture will go far, but I have high hopes and am optimistic. I have a lot of high hopes for not only me but for you and everyone in 2024. High hopes are essential. I learned that during my early elementary school years at Seaford Manor, when we sang the song “High Hopes,” I was in awe of that little old ant. We may not have had Frank singing along with us, but we learned a lesson. If that little ant could move a rubber tree plant, we could do anything we put our minds to. We just had to have high hopes. Henry Ford once said, “Whether you think you can or you think you can’t – you’re right,” So think you can. It worked for that little old ant and it worked for Henry Ford, who we all know was highly successful. 

I love being creative, whether crafting, writing, photography or even at work. Whenever life gets tough, my creative self goes into overdrive. It is what saves me. Thanks be to God. Being able to express the many treasures of my heart in a tangible way through art has been a Godsend.

I spent 2023 just letting my hair down, being me, doing the things I love, and spending time with those I love. Life is short. Embrace it. Do what you love. Many people think about making bucket lists. Why not make one for just the year 2024? Why wait? You never know when the earth will stop spinning or who will be elected president in November. I have high hopes for the latter. Remember, think positive.

How are you spending the last evening of 2023? I’m glad I have my daughter here for the holidays. Having her here to close out 2023 and ring in 2024 will be wonderful. We are looking forward to our tradition of going outside at midnight, where we will bang pans while shouting Happy New Year and then light some small fireworks and sparklers while having high hopes for 2024.

My advice, for whatever it is worth, for 2024 is. Live it. That is an excellent resolution. Live your life. Live it doing what you love and giving the world your best self in every thing you do. You got this.

Are you unhappy? So many words of wisdom are all over the net. You need to search out ways to get happy. Reach out to friends and family. Do what you can to change what you can. Don’t worry, be happy! One thing I know…get out in nature…it gets your endorphins up naturally and will help you feel better. Also, don’t drink cold water. Drink room temp. Cold water takes away your happy (advice from a traditional Chinese medicine doctor). I also highly recommend speaking to a psychologist. If you are interested in that, I know a wonderful psychologist who does virtual visits. Let me know and I will give you his number. You won’t be sorry and what a great way to start our 2024.

Living your life means taking care of your health in all aspects – body mind and spirit. So try taking a step to better health by cutting out those poisons that are harming you such as processed foods, simple carbs, sugar, fried foods, fast food, and inflammatory foods. I know it is not easy. A good way to start is to really see these foods as poison to your body. When they are in your system they really wreak havoc causing inflammation which then causes disease. Also exercise and if you cannot exercise then walk if you can, walk every day. It is so good for not only your body, but your mind as well. Same with eating healthy. If anyone needs motivation, I can be your motivator. I would do that…I promise. Just like AAA has sponsors, I can be your health sponsor, lol.

Along with eating right and exercise, getting out in nature is one of the healthiest things you can do for yourself. Some of the benefits are:

  • boosting the immune system
  • lowering blood pressure
  • reducing stress
  • improving mood
  • increasing ability to focus
  • accelerating recovery from surgery or illness
  • increasing energy level
  • improving sleep

The longer the time I spend in nature, the better I feel. It truly does wonders. Make 2024 a year you spend more time in nature.

I have always loved John Denver. He was a big outdoorsman who felt that nature was his home. That resonates with me. My favorite song of his is “Annie’s Song”. I love how the lyrics express deep, profound love through the relationship of nature and senses. I just really love what he did there. They say you have so much more clarity when in nature. He wrote this song in 10 minutes on a ski lift. Here are his words: “Suddenly I was hypersensitive to how beautiful everything was. All of these things filled up my senses. When I said this to myself images came one after the other. The night in the forest, a walk in the rain, the mountains in springtime. All of the pictures merged and then what I was left with was Annie. That song was the embodiment of the love that I felt at the time. In the ten minutes it took to reach the top of the mountain, the song was there.” Listen to the song, look at the images and fill up your senses.

I wanted to post John Denver’s Annie’s song here, but unfortunately it is not letting me. It is a beautiful song, that I am sure you already know.

Now, what are your aspirations for 2024? to get healthier? to quit smoking or vaping cigarettes, or drinking? If you are thinking of stopping any addictions, that would certainly be a great start to 2024. Just do it! Make 2024 your year. You can do it. You can do anything you put your mind to. If anyone needs tips or someone to be there to encourage you, then message me. I will help. If you yourself, don’t struggle with these then reach out and give encouragement to someone who does.

Get out and do the things you love to do:

Do you want to camp in the woods or on the beach? stargaze? build a snowman, catch fish? run through an open field barefoot and blow dandelion wishes? write a book? buy a gun for protection? plan a waterfall trip? get on a plane to visit a loved one? learn an instrument? paint? learn another language? water ski, jet ski, kayak, or snowmobile for the first time? run in a race? build a treehouse? make your room into your sanctuary? enter a contest? do an open mic? visit a national park? plant a garden? make a rock garden? randomly scatter wildflowers? learn to dance? play in the snow? feed the homeless? drive cross country? hike? ride a motorcycle? visit every nature preserve and botanic garden where you live? go to a concert? go boating? take up archery? take a trip? go to montauk? dance in the rain? eat with your fingers?

Okay, you get my drift. Do things you love. Just as long as it is healthy for your body, mind, heart, and soul, do it. Don’t let fear hold you back. You are capable. You don’t have to be perfect. I am so far from perfect in any of my endeavors. The point is, if it brings you joy, why not just do it. It doesn’t need to be perfect. It just needs to be you.

Some people do not do what they love because too many things hold them down. You have one life to live. You don’t need to do everything, but just try to do something you love every week. If you have time on your lunch hour, eat outside, breathe in the air and soak up the sun (vitamin d). You are precious and you deserve to do these things for yourself. If you like to do things but don’t want to do them alone, and no one can join you, try them alone. You might surprise yourself and enjoy it.

Side note here: wise words of wisdom from my stepmother. I was 22 years old and wanted to go to a concert that was that day. I could not get anyone to go with me. My stepmother said “Just go by yourself”. Go by myself? I questioned. She said “yes, if you wait on others you will never do anything. Go by yourself”. Guess what? I went by myself and had an amazing time. An opportunity missed if I just stayed home because I didn’t want to go alone. I went to many of these concerts alone and that was a fun time in my life. After I had my daughter, she joined me. I also became good friends with someone in the band who I still keep in touch with til this day. Those were good times. So don’t ever fear going alone. Being alone isn’t so bad…you get to hang with one of the best people you know – yourself! lol. And you never know who you might meet.

So spend 2024 loving yourself, being good to yourself , and taking care of yourself. You are worth it. Never forget that. Then Love others with all your heart and seek out those who are good for your soul. Weed out the toxic people. You don’t deserve their ill treatment. No one does. Put out the trash and take in the treasure.

Volunteer and help all those who need help. Don’t think you don’t have the time? Think of the many minutes you waste in your day. Those minutes could be very precious to another. Even a phone call to check on someone is golden.

Be well my friends. Thank your creator every day for another breath and all the beauty life has to offer. Be kind, humble, be your best self, make a difference, and always hold on to your dream. Never ever give up on your dreams, NEVER! Keep them alive and do not let anyone crush them. love and peace my friends. As George Harrison said “Give me love, give me love, give me peace on earth. May you have that in abundance in 2024.

In the poem Desiderata, I close with my more wishes for you and your loved ones for 2024.
A Happy, Healthy, Safe, New Year to all! oh and before I put up the clip let me add something from a blog I found about Motto’s to live by by Leigh Weingus.

Mottos to Live By

1. When life gives you lemons, make lemonade.

2. Life every day like it’s your last.

3. Be yourself. Everyone else is already taken.

4. Be the change you wish to see in the world.

5. Let go of who you think you’re supposed to be and embrace who you are.

6. If you are not obsessed with your life, change it.

7. Set some goals, then demolish them.

8. A ship at harbor is safe, but that’s not what ships are for.

9. Take small steps every day.

10. If you’re tired of starting over, stop giving up.

11. Be a rainbow in someone else’s cloud.

12. Don’t sweat the small stuff

13. Will this matter a year from now? 

14. Always remember to fall asleep with a dream and wake up with a purpose.

15. If you are not wiling to risk the unusual, you will have to settle for the ordinary.

16. Always find a reason to laugh.

17. What’s meant to be will always find a way. 

18. If you can’t stop thinking about it, don’t stop working for it.

19. Life is a one time offer, use it well.



Someone very dear to me once told me, “I love nature almost as much as I love you.” Those words were precious to me. I truly understood them as they could have been my own. I know that all-encompassing love for nature all too well. You know how when you are so in love with someone, you feel a constant pull towards them? That is how I feel about nature. When you love nature, you feel that pull to get out there. Being out in nature in any element makes me happy. Breathing in all the delightful smells…trees, flowers, grass, air…it is all so delicious., as well as the natural sights of all that nature has to offer…it all fills my soul.

Whenever I feel down and go out, I try to go out in nature as it soothes my soul. It doesn’t take away my worries; it just connects with me like a dear old friend. It isn’t something you can understand unless you have been touched by its wondrous beauty and have felt its calling. Grass, trees, forests, meadows, lakes, oceans, bays, creeks, rivers, dirt, mud, leaves, flowers, wildlife, air, sun, moon, stars, bugs, sand, the beach, the mountains, etc. I love it all. From my early existence, I have loved it. We had a tall pine tree in front of the house I grew up in. I loved that tree and recall numerous times sitting under it on a bed of its shed needles and with its fragrant bowed branches sheltering me. That beautiful old tree was a precious gift to me, and also to him, though I did not know it then. I was taking in his oxygen (and so much more) while he took in my carbon dioxide. Oh, how I loved that tree.

I would go there to chill. I loved watching in awe as the ants tunneled through the earth. In college, I even wrote an A+ essay on it. I’ll never forget all those scary times watching my beloved tree sway through the storms. They were not scary because they could fall and crush our or our neighbor’s roof, but scary because I feared the thought of losing that beautiful tree. My dad would say, “I have to cut that tree down before it falls on the house,” and I would beg him not to. Thankfully, he never did. Some years after our house was sold, my fear came true: the new owners cut the tree down. I wish I had known it was coming down; I would have liked to have gone to share one last embrace.

While numerous articles say trees do not feel pain when cut down or hurt, some disagree. Even though they do not have a human central nervous system, what system do they have? Trees send messages through mycorrhizal networks. They can send chemical or electrical signals. If a tree is being eaten by insects, it will send out distress signals. When attacked by diseases, they can send out chemicals. Some articles say trees can feel what is happening and feel something comparable to pain. When a tree is cut, it sends electrical signals like human tissue that has been wounded. Research has shown they have many senses. They may have more senses than we even have. When I passed my beloved tree on Waverly Avenue and saw it was no longer there, its spot marked by a heap of shredded bark, I shrieked in disbelief and cried. Then, I exited the car and gathered some of its remains. Call me crazy, but this is what nature does to me. I felt it throughout my soul.

A tree is not just a tree, grass is not just grass. Nature is alive and amazing. Speaking of grass, did you know that grass actually screams when the lawn mower goes over it? Those screams are distress signals. Those distress signals give off the beautiful smell of fresh-cut grass we love.

Lots of things happen under trees. There is something so comforting about trees and being under them, whether for a picnic, shelter, reading a book, resting, taking a nap, or having a romantic rendezvous. Under a tree is the place to be for any of those things. As children we climbed them, swung from their branches, hung swings on them, ran around them, and sat under them.

Do you remember laying on the grass looking up at the sky and finding images in the clouds? I still love looking up in the sky and enjoy laying on a carpet of plush green grass. I even don’t mind laying in the dirt. It all feels wonderful. Speaking of dirt, I remember when I was growing a vegetable garden, I did not use garden gloves. I loved the feeling of the dirt in my hands, of working with the earth. Turning over the earth, planting seeds, watching plants grow, and gathering your harvest are all fulfilling. Whether lying in the hot sun outdoors, under a shaded tree, on the sand, under a canopy of stars on a beautiful summer evening, or even on a cold clear winter’s night on a bed of snow while a profound sense of peace stirs my soul. Ah, there is nothing like nature.

Sunday, December 15th, it was 55 and sunny. My friend Lois and I went to Massapequa Preserve and had a picnic by a stream. It was so peaceful. Our walk through the woods was an adventure as it was very muddy. I don’t mind mud, but I am talking about swampy, puddly mud in some spots that would cover our ankles. We got through it with the help of boards that were down in those spots. There was one terrible spot with an unreachable board, but a kind dad passing by helped us get on a thin log, which led to dry land. We had lots of laughs.

Besides the laughter (which they say is the best medicine), that day reaped many health benefits because that is what being in nature does.
Time spent in nature is full of rewards. It is so good for your mental and physical health. It reduces cortisol levels, muscle tension, and demands on our cardiovascular systems (lowers heart rate and blood pressure). Being out in nature often may lead to lower rates of heart disease. Overall mortality is higher as well for those who roam through nature. And I don’t even need to mention mental health because we all experience it when we are out in nature. Peace, calm, well-being, and reduced mental stress. I believe that God put everything on this planet to heal ourselves and that being out in nature amongst the living plants and trees is one of them.

Being in the middle of the woods is so very peaceful. There are no obnoxious sounds, just sounds like the rustling of leaves, the delightful singing of the birds, the scampering of a squirrel or other forest friend, and maybe the hello of a passing fellow hiker. Except for Sunday’s walk which was filled with the sounds of fire trucks which I suppose, because of the duration, was Santa making his neighborhood rounds. That is okay. Just the thought of children’s joy at the site of Santa riding past their house balanced it all out. You always have to think of the positives.

I am now at an age where peace is very essential. I can get peace through both love and nature. That is how I want to live out my remaining years. I am quickly approaching my golden years and want them to indeed be golden. They call them your golden years because you are near retirement age. But, I think they are golden because you know what you want at that time in your life. You finally come into your own, and you know what you want and don’t want to do, and you don’t want to waste a single minute of precious time.

So, speaking of golden years…try to make them golden. All of them. Make them all golden, even if you are not in your golden years. Make every second golden. Get out, do what makes you happy, and do it with someone you love. Don’t let anyone take your happiness ever, and if they do? Get out in nature and hike in some woods, run through the grass, lay down in it and look at the sky, dance in the sand, breathe in the salty air, walk along the shore, or swim, fish, kayak, or water ski on a lake, or skip stones, go camping, breathe in the fresh forest air, go boating on the bay or a lake, sunbathe, walk in the rain, splash in puddles, smell the flowers listen to the birds, watch all the beautiful wildlife enjoying their great big playground. Just immerse yourself in it and take it all in. What a wonderful world!


choosing a path

When I look back on my life, I see so much beauty, but I also cannot help but see a path paved with all the times I let God down. All the times I chose “me” and not “Him.” I know now that I was not living the greatest commandment. I didn’t realize it back then when I headed out on my journey in life. I don’t even think I knew the greatest commandment. I knew I loved God. But, did I love Him with “all my heart, with all my soul, and with all my mind? If I did, I would have always chosen “Him” over “Me” and not the other way around.

My mother’s passing away when I was only 13 catapulted me on a search to find love. I just wanted to be loved. But I didn’t want to be loved by just anyone, and I didn’t want just any kind of love. Nothing was ever like the love my mother gave me. My mother gave me the kind of love you felt deep down all throughout your being, and you knew you were loved. I wanted to have that love back. I did finally get it. It was when I wasn’t even looking. It felt like an answered prayer. It came out of the blue like a lightning bolt of supercharged love striking straight from the heavens right into my heart and soul. Haha, maybe it was cupids arrow. That ended up being the kind of love where I not only felt entirely and thoroughly loved but where I felt entirely and thoroughly in love. Ahhh, finally, I was on the threshold of where I was meant to be.

Alas, through my life experience, and it took quite a while, I have learned that above everything else is God’s love. God’s love is perfect, and being perfect, He perfectly loves. I wish I knew about the greatest commandment and what it means. I wish I truly understood this commandment of loving God with all your heart, soul, and mind. It really means loving Him more than yourself. but it is in loving Him more than yourself that you are loving yourself more than you ever could. For He is the only one who truly knows you like no other. He created you, and He knows what is best for you to live a life of eternal bliss, not here on earth, but in the home that he prepared for you. He is the only one that will never abandon or hurt you.

Living that love for Him will bring you the greatest joy. After all…He is God, your creator, the master of your ship. He comes first. How many times I have put myself first before God. My wants, my desires, my feelings. When you put Him first, all good things will follow. Look at the rainbow below. The greatest commandment is like that rainbow, and at the end of the rainbow is the pot of gold which is the joy found in living the commandment. It is perfect and priceless.

Pretend you are on a fork in the road. You can choose the path that forks to the left that looks so beautiful and is filled with everything you enjoy. Your eyes behold the shining, radiant sun in the blue sky, flowers blooming alongside glistening lakes, streams, waterfalls, lush greenery, and majestic mountains; there may be a rocky road beyond yonder. Still, you don’t even think of that because you are so taken in by the beauty of the road on the left. Or you can choose the road that forks to the right, where you see lots of gravel, rocks, and obstacles. Dark clouds hover in a threatening sky. There is some light far away about to break through the clouds, and it looks like the sky may be clearing, but as far as the eye can see, it seems like a challenging hike. You can’t see it, but there may be a stream over yonder where you can find refreshment, but you just don’t know.

What path would you choose? Before you decide, remember that Adam and Eve lived in paradise. God had set the beautiful garden, like the road I described above, before them in a Garden, and it was filled with everything good. But in that perfect paradise, there was temptation. The temptation to not listen to God but to do what they wanted to do. Oh, how good that apple looked to Adam and Eve. God, forbid them to eat it. He told them to enjoy everything before them, but they could touch nor eat that apple, or they would die. Then came the serpent who told them to eat it. Things are not always as they seem, and it is much better to follow God than temptation. Why should they choose not to eat something that seemed so pleasing? They could not understand why God would not want them to eat something so pleasing. Something to ponder this Lent. That whole story of the Garden of Eden is chock full of lessons and could certainly create a few more blog posts.

Now here is the thing. We just cannot just unabashedly run to the path. Before going down any path, before moving forward from where we stand, we need to pray to God for guidance. We need to be conversing with Him to choose the right path. If we are living the first commandment, that will come very naturally. If we are not, we most likely will choose the beautiful path, but right now, it might not be the path to take. Is that what God wants? Many things need to be considered. Will that path bring me closer to God? Will that path enable me to follow Him better? Or do I not care? Am I just too excited to rush off to the beauty I see before me on the left, only to be disappointed and hurt and with no consolation? Sometimes we know we should not take the path, but then it is too appealing, like the apple, and think…well, wouldn’t God want me to take that path as it is so pleasing? If we realize we have taken the wrong path, we can still cross through the thickets to the other side after turning to God and begging for his help through the pain. That is the only answer to the disappointments and pain in life. To turn to God. It is only there that you will find consolation through His healing mercy.

My point here is if you choose the rocky path, it doesn’t mean it will not be filled with beauty. It will be. If you choose the beautiful path, it doesn’t mean it will not be filled with pain. But if we choose the path because we put the greatest commandment first and are following God, the path we choose will be the right one. Every path is hard, but with God, it is made easier. Any path you choose can be full of unexpected, unwanted surprises but listen to your heart…if it is following God, you will know. So even when surprises pop up like crazy, Uncle George jumping out of the bushes shouting yum yum, eat um up 😂, well, you will be able to not allow it to destroy your paradise because God will help you..

The right path would be the one you decide after prayer and feeling God’s guidance to move forward. Always remember, Jesus tells us to deny ourselves, pick up our cross, and follow Him. Jesus doesn’t deceive us. He doesn’t lie to us; He is honest with us. He wants us to deny ourselves and follow Him. He doesn’t want us to do this so that we are burdened; no, Jesus tells us this because He loves us, and He shows His love when He expresses that love by telling us, “Come to me, all you who labor and are burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am meek and humble of heart, and you will find rest for yourselves. For my yoke is easy, and my burden light.” So if you are a follower living the greatest commandment, even though you did not see a stream up yonder, you know it is there. While the path may seem challenging and will definitely be with struggles, Jesus is helping us. He will give us rest; there will be plenty of streams, and we can be assured all will turn out well as long as we follow Him. Have you ever hiked, and the journey up the mountain was challenging? Then you finally get to the summit, and the beauty and joy are indescribable? The struggle got you there. All our struggles on earth will get us there. Even the struggles that come on the beautiful path. Just follow him.

Choose the right path, the one that God calls you to. Both will be beautiful, and both will be a struggle. You will need to deny yourself and pick up your cross every step of the way, but by doing this and following Him, it will lead you to that beautiful place He created for those who love Him. That place of lush greenery, sunshine, and everything beautiful, but without the pain and heartache, only love, peace, and joy.

Jesus is the one person who will never let you down and who will lead you to everlasting life. May we always choose his path and follow Him.


barefoot and fancy-free

Good for the soul, good for the spirit, good for body

Jungle Book was my favorite when I was little. Mowgli was my idea of barefoot and fancy-free. We cannot prance about the jungle barefoot here where we live, but we can spend time in nature where we disconnect from everything for a while and go for a barefoot walk on the earth.

I love the earth. I love everything about it. I love feeling it under my feet, whether dirt, sand, or grass. I always have. I remember playing in the mud and making mud pies as a child. Then there was a colossal dirt mountain I played on two houses away. I loved climbing that dirt mountain where we would play king of the mountain and have dirt bomb fights.

When I had my son, I made an area in the yard that was all dirt and soaked it with water for him to play. I also love sand. When my children were small, we played countless hours in the sand, digging deep holes, making sandcastles and roadways, and burying each other.
Today, I love gardening not only barehanded but barefoot as well. I also love walking along the shore’s edge at the beach and lying on the grassy ground. I also love lying on the ground to get a great capture when doing my nature photography.

I learned a few years ago that these things are healthy for you. It is called Earthing or Grounding. I had always believed that when God created the earth, he put everything here to care for and heal us. Years ago, people were in closer contact with the ground than today’s modern times with all the technology and positive charges. It is very unhealthy for our bodies and minds. The earth itself is such a marvelous gift from our maker.

Earthing or grounding is when you walk on soil, sand, or in a lake, ocean, or bay barefooted or even if any part of your skin touches the earth. It just needs to be in direct uninterrupted contact with the earth. The earth has a mild negative charge to it. Because with all the technology, our bodies build up a positive charge. Direct contact with the earth evens this positive charge and returns the body to a neutral state.
We today are a population of shoe/sneaker/slipper wearers. Not at all like our ancestors many years ago. Many people no longer have this kind of contact with the earth. Experts think this contributes to the many health problems we are experiencing today. We spend lots of time indoors or outdoors with something on our feet. Many of us could go decades not directly touching the earth at all, even if we’re outside. The result? The positive charge builds and can lead to health problems.

Here is an excellent article if you want to read further about grounding. It is so easy to do and not only doesn’t cost a thing but may save you on medical bills. It will also bring some joy into your life while you reconnect with the electrical charges from the earth and with God’s beautiful masterpiece we can nature surrounding you.

Enjoy, the bare necessities my friends!


being cool to be cool is not so cool

I went to a play today at the middle school where I work. It was amazing! All the students did so well with their performance. I know most of the kids in the play from the library where I work, as many of them choose to hang out there when they finish lunch. It was honestly so lovely to watch.

The end of the play bought tears to my eyes, partly because they performed so well and partly because of the camaraderie I witnessed. But also partly because of missed opportunities in my life. I would have loved to of been a part of the drama program. I also would have loved to stay in Chorus. I was in Chorus until … not sure if it was the end of the 8th or the end of 9th grade. Probably 9th and got out before going to high school. Why? Because word around town was that it was not cool. Not cool? I thought. No cool? Well, I couldn’t be not cool! That just wasn’t going to fly.

So in high school – no chorus, drama, yearbook committee, or track team. Just sleep through class and leave after the last period’s bell rang. I regret that. I think it would have been great fun to do all those things. Oh, even band. How nice it would have been to play an instrument. What was “cool” anyway? Nothing but a bunch of stuff to ruin your health and maybe your life. Hanging around outside drinking beers while underage? Smoking cigarettes? Smoking pot? Hitchhiking? Staying out all night while saying you were sleeping at friends who said the same thing. If I could take only one day from that time and do something different, I would change the following scenario. My two friends (sisters) and I were walking past St. William the Abbot Church, and they said they had to run in and grab a bulletin to show their mother that they went to church. I remember (my Baptism was only two years before) wanting to go in and stay. But I didn’t because it would not have been cool. They probably would have laughed at me.

Don’t get me wrong. I had a fun time, but those times were destructive and could have ended badly. I have to admit. I wish I never smoked and never drank. Drinking caused me to make terrible decisions with my life, and I have seen overindulgence in drinking ruin or take too many lives. If I could redo that time, I would live a clean and healthy life, and I would have gone into that church that day and stayed for Mass. That may have made a difference in my life. A big difference. One where I would have made better decisions because it was what I wanted to do and not because I wanted to be cool or accepted. I wish I knew about the youth group as well as I would have loved that!

Today is different; I am me and do things that enrich my life and make me whole and healthy. I do something I like to do not because it’s cool but because I love it. Watching those kids on the stage today just doing what they love to do, not because it is cool, not because it is uncool, but because it is what they love to do; it was beautiful, and they will have so many fantastic heartfelt memories from good, clean, fun.

I am 63 years young and have been and continue to embrace everything that I love. I need more hours in the day to have time to do it all. I wish I got an earlier start as a teen, but hey, you have to start someplace, and at least I got started. Many don’t get that chance. Now I dream of publishing a book, maybe my life story, and becoming an accomplished author. I also would like to get better at photography, so I am joining a camera club; I would love to learn to speak Italian and go to Italy one day to see where my dad grew up, see my relatives, and meet the ones I have never met. I would love to play piano, even guitar, and a fiddle and a violin and drums, haha. I better pick one, or I will end up doing none. So, in that case, I choose the piano. Thanks to the cast of Descendants for some introspection today. It was fun!

Remember being cool is not so cool. Just be yourself. March to the beat of your own drummer. Be a leader, not a follower. Just be you 😊😘 and you’ll be the coolest!


b’day tribute time again!

Wishing my friend Robyn the happiest of birthdays. You know how special she is if you read my birthday blog about her last year. Every year I shall have a birthday tribute to her.

She is the one I can pick up the phone at any time, day or night, and she is there. If she cannot pick up, she always returns the call and is there. She is there in good times and bad times and in-between times. She is always there.

Like tonight, on her birthday eve, I called her because I am having a tough time…she is there. She has a lot on her plate and is there for me. And when I say there…I mean, THERE. Fully present, with the utmost love and understanding. She sees things that I don’t see, and she explains them to me in a loving way. She wants to make everything better, but as much as she wishes she could wave her magic wand, she knows she can’t. She also knows we all have to go through our stuff and heal. Yet, she is never dismissive and truly embraces my feelings understanding everything. She is honest, genuine, reflective, wise, empathetic, and one of the most down-to-earth, real people I have ever met, and when she loves, she really loves. I am not very trusting. I have a tough time really letting people in and trusting them. But I trust her with all my heart. I trust she loves me and wants only the best for me. I trust she will never abandon me.

We have been friends now for 31 years. I love that moment when we first met, and she had her feet up on the chair where I wanted to sit. That memory cracks me up. She didn’t look too happy with me, and I probably didn’t look too happy with her. But it wasn’t long before we were good friends. I don’t know how anyone could not be good friends with her. She is just so lovable. One thing that really impressed me about her was her circle of friends. I went to a party at her house, and there were many different types of people. Look at me! I was 32, and she was only 22. She was going to the same college, but for music, and I was going for a secretarial certificate. She was single, and I was already divorced with a five-year-old child. But we could not have been more suited for a beautiful friendship. Why? Despite our differences, we are very much the same. Our friendship rode the waves of life…in touch, out of touch, in touch, out of touch. We were in out-of-touch mode when she saw a post of mine on Facebook, and she picked up her phone and called me. She was the only friend to do so during that tumultuous time. We reconnected quickly. During that phone call, I found she was going through a tough time as well, so during the ensuing months, we were there for each other crying, laughing, sharing, and caring, and we have been non-stop for the past 3.5 years. We ride the waves of life together.

Robyn, I don’t know what I would have done without you in 2019. Honestly, I do not know if I would be here. There is no way I could ever repay you for your beautiful friendship and what your loving, caring, beautiful soul has done for me. I only hope I am as good a friend as you are. I love you so much. Thank you for your love and friendship for 31 years and for picking up the phone and calling me in 2019.

You deserve everything good in life, my friend! May this birthday year bring you love, peace, joy, good health, and much less stress, and may you get positive answers on many things. You are in my heart and prayers always.

Thanks for always standing by me Robyn. This reminds me of you.

A message to whoever else is reading this blog … do you have a friend you have not spoken to in a while? If it was a wonderful friendship, it still will be, and it will be amazing just pick up the phone, call, or send a letter and rekindle that friendship.


Today This Happened


Reflections on the New Year

Reflecting on my life, I have found I have filled my life with many things, so many desires of my heart, and so many expectations, and I had dreams for a future that I have to release control over.  For whatever is God’s will, is what will be.  I surrender my will to His and have returned the ship’s wheel to Him. I have expected people to love as I love.  I relied on people who loved me to always love me.  It seems life just doesn’t go as planned.  I believe this because the players are doing the planning and not letting God do it.  My life has been filled with beauty but filled with sorrow as well.  There will always be beauty and sorrow.  Just look at Jesus’ own life.  

◦As a child, I had a kind and loving mother who taught me what it was to love and be loved.  Losing her at 13 left me searching for the essence of that most beautiful experience of love.  To love and be loved is the greatest gift.  When you come upon that kind of love, you know it.  There is no mistaking it.  Sadly, my experiences have shown me that it can also lead to great sorrow.  A pain in your heart that is so deep. This new year my heart is feeling so much sorrow for many different reasons.  It feels so heavy.  The antidote?  Reflect upon Jesus.  Jesus loved like no other.  He loved, and He taught love.  And what happened?  Even those closest to Him betrayed or denied Him.  But he still loved.  And for the love of each of us who has betrayed and denied him in different ways, he gave His life.  He suffered sorrow, but what did He do in His sorrow?  He lifted his eyes to heaven, called upon His father, and submitted to His will.  Then He hung on a cross in the most excruciating agony giving His life to save us so that we may have life.  He did not once turn His love from us.  Not once.  And what do we give to Him?  What do I give to Him?  What are we called to give to Him?  We are called to give Him the best of our love.  We are called to place Him first and, above all things.  Jesus told us, “Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind. This is the greatest and most important commandment”.  We are to love Him with ALL our heart, with ALL our soul, and with ALL our mind.  In that commandment, my friends, I have found my New Years’ resolution. 

We go about life, filling all space and time with indulgences that make us happy.  I don’t have to list them.  We all know the things we do to waste our time.  I’m guilty of it.  We are all guilty of it.  So the question for reflection here is, “Where does God come into play here”?  Do you find yourself trying to fit him into your day or is He included in all you do?  The only one who can give you true lasting joy is God.  All those other fillers fill up most of our day and only bring temporary happiness. How do we love God?  How much time do we Give God?  Do we really love Him?  Are there days we barely communicate with Him?  How many of us don’t feel Him?  If you are not communicating with Him, you certainly will not feel Him.

In the late nineties, I felt spiritually in a great place.  I spent lots of time with God in church, prayer, retreats, and on a pilgrimage that I believe was a calling from God and which I  was incredibly blessed to go on. That pilgrimage was an incredible blessing that has richly affected my life.  But then, heading into the year 2000, something happened. I wasn’t “feeling Him,” and I was lost, and I just wanted to feel that love again.  I had felt His love so strongly, and now I felt he had abandoned me.  When I think back, I wish I had kept a better journal.  I wish I had followed my spiritual director’s guidance to journal daily.  What I found later is that God did not abandon me.  God never abandons us.  We abandon Him.  Maybe I got complacent and started to slack in my prayer; perhaps I got self-absorbed and thought of my wants and how I wanted to feel rather than what God wanted and His will.  Ah, life is full of lessons.  When I hear about “the dark night of the soul,” that is how I felt.  I couldn’t deal with the feeling of emptiness and that God had abandoned me.  I think I did not trust in Him at that point.  This was a crucial point in my life, where I now know that God did not abandon me but was leading me out of myself and into Him into a deeper and more personal relationship.  That is the only way I can think of to describe it.  I failed and bailed. It is like that moment on the sea when Peter walked on water and, when filled with doubt, sank.  I sunk.

I remember a time when my spiritual director asked me if “I could accept Divine Love”   “What is Divine Love?  I asked. He responded, “you tell me,” and I said, “it must be God’s love.  God’s love for us is divine because He is divine.  Can I accept God’s love? is that it?”  But he would only repeat, “Can you accept Divine Love?” I remember feeling so frustrated and saying just tell me, and he said something like it wasn’t coming from him. I knew it meant more than God’s love, but I didn’t know what.  In another conversation, he told me I would know when it happened.  It would be an aha moment.  And He added that he sure hoped that I knew before I died. I could never understand why he couldn’t tell me, but today I understand. It had to be experienced.   He was right when he said it would be like an aha moment.  I believe he, Fr. Peter, was not asking me per se but that this was actually God himself asking me through Fr. Peter.

My conversion back to the faith has been a journey.  Another thing Fr. Peter taught me.  In the beginning, I was filled with excitement, joyfully exclaiming that I  was finally where I was always supposed to be! This is the love I was always looking for!  He put a name to it, “conversion”, but informed me in not so many words that I did not really arrive anywhere.  He told me it was an ongoing journey.  I have since discovered it has been and still is a journey filled with hills and valleys, winding roads, and long straight ones, taking me through lush pastures and barren deserts. It is a journey.  I am now at a point in my journey on this very beautiful 1st of January; the solemnity of Mary, Mother of God.  I am at one of the crossroads of the journey.  Our beautiful blessed Mother has, as our Lady of Sorrows, her hand out once again.  I can stagnate in my sorrow and have anxiety, relying on myself, or I can go to where I am hearing her call me..towards her son.  The only one who can bring us out of our sorrow.  At the foot of the cross, as He was suffering for all mankind, He gave us not only the gift of Himself, but He gave us the gift of His mother to be our Mother.  I can almost hear her telling me, as the tender, loving mother she is, “come, my son will help you.  He is meek and humble of heart.  I hear Jesus’ word’s through our Mother in the Gospel of Matthew:  “Come to me all you who labor and are burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am meek and humble of heart, and you will find rest for yourselves. For my yoke is easy and my burden light.”.  He is our only help.  He is the way, the light, the truth. He is the only way to go.  

To love God with all my heart, with all my soul, with all my mind. Seems like a perfect New Year’s resolution. Still on my journey.  The long and winding road will hopefully lead to the gates of heaven, where I will hear, “Well done my Good and faithful servant.”  I pray daily for this, and please know that I also pray for you.  Just know no matter how sinful we have been.  No matter what we have done, how many commandments we have broken, how far we have turned our backs on God… remember this:  He is full of love and mercy, and forgiveness is yours for the asking through the most beautiful sacrament of reconciliation, commonly known as confession.  The most beautiful words you can hear on this earth are, “your sins are forgiven.”  So it is never too late if you feel you have not been faithful.  For with forgiven sins comes the grace of God filling up your life, speeding you along the highway to heaven.  Picture this:  There could be nothing more wonderful than seeing Jesus, falling on your knees, and hearing those 7 words. “Well done my good and faithful servant.” 

SIDE NOTE 1: If turning back to God is something you think could never happen for you, you should read the conversion story of Fr. Donald Calloway. It is a heartwarming, inspiring story of one man so far from the faith and immersed in sin and how he came to know God. It really is impressive. You can find it here:

Fr. Donald Calloway has many other books besides his conversion story to help you grow in your faith.


In the confessional, you are confessing your sins through a priest to God. And God is the one absolving you of your sins. This is a sacrament of the church. A beautiful sacrament of the church. I will never forget my first time after probably twenty years and much sin. The feeling of lightness and joy walking out of that confessional was terrific. It really made me feel wonderful hearing those words of forgiveness. This is what the priest says: God the Father of mercies, through the death and resurrection of his Son has reconciled the world to himself and sent the Holy Spirit among us for the forgiveness of sins; through the ministry of the Church may God give you pardon and peace, and I absolve you from your sins in the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. Ahhh, just beautiful. Look out for a future blog entitled “Confession.”


New Year Blog Series


Tomorrow is New Year’s Eve. Now is an excellent time to sit back and self-examine where you want to make changes. The upcoming new year forces us to do that if we let it. It is like a natural yearly rhythm. We are ending a year where we know we could have done better, looking forward to a year where we can make it a better one.

When I look back on my past year, I see places for much improvement. Looking back, I noticed that I did so much better when I was consistent with my prayer. Where there is a need for self-improvement, there is a need for prayer. None of us is perfect, and there is always room for self-improvement. New years resolutions are full of all the ways we want to improve. An increased prayer life should be the number one resolution. I have noticed when fear or worry starts to consume me…that is when my prayer life has not been so great. When this happens, I immediately pray to God for his help and get back on track again.

Do you get filled with fear, worry, or anxiety? Take some wisdom from the bible, which states many times over not to worry, and from the saintly lips of Padre Pio, who says, “Pray, Hope, and Don’t Worry”. I speak to you not as a know-it-all but as someone who has walked both paths and knows how valuable a solid prayer life is. I notice time, and again when my prayer life falters, worry is quick to rise. I genuinely feel a consistent prayer life will help you meet your other New Year goals to self-improve. 

Prayer is essential to peace of mind. Daily prayer keeps us connected to our almighty and ever-loving God. A quote comes to mind that bears not only wisdom but fruit; Know God, know peace, No God, no peace. Easy-peasy! There it is, my friends; the key to peace!

This blog page is entitled “simply me,” and you cannot get much simpler than prayer. It doesn’t cost money to pray; you can pray anywhere and anytime. It is also something that no one can take from you. You can pray verbally, and you can pray silently. The difficult part may be for some people to find the time as we seem to busy ourselves with so much other STUFF. You know what I am talking about…social media, TV, sports, gaming…etc. I am too at fault.

Jesus himself taught us how to pray in The Lord’s Prayer. Our Father, Who art in Heaven, Hallowed be Thy name, Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done, on earth as it is in Heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us, and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. It is all right there. It truly is the perfect prayer. The Hail Mary is another beautiful prayer that honors both Mary and Jesus and asks for our beautiful Blessed Mother Mary’s intercession. Then there is the Glory Be prayer, where we bring all our prayers together, glorifying the most Blessed Trinity.

All three of these prayers are in the Rosary, which is a beautiful way wonderful to pray. You can find more about the Rosary here: or by reading one of the many books on the Rosary, especially those by Fr. Donald Calloway, which you can find here:  

Some people have great difficulty with the Rosary and give it up without giving it a chance as they find it too repetitive and dull. But if you persevere (you can do all things through Christ who strengthens you), you will eventually be immersed in the most lovely journey of Christ’s life. There are five decades, and each is a different mystery you meditate on. Four sets of 5 mysteries about Jesus’ life are said on different days. It is absolutely beautiful. Before I begin a rosary, I like to first just speak to God, telling him that I am about to spend some time with Him on his life journey and ask him to come with me. You will discover that the Rosary will bring you much joy and beauty when you persevere. Beautiful things happen when you pray and immerse yourself in prayer. The Rosary is our spiritual weapon against all evil. I highly recommend it. This is what Catholic Magazine has to say about the Rosary: A powerful and serious devotion, full of reflection. We discover small but precious theological treasures in the Rosary that make it a masterpiece of Catholic spirituality and doctrine. This devotion has tremendous power and substance. It does not involve merely emotions; on the contrary, it is serious, full of reflection, and with firm foundations.

Talking to Jesus before starting a rosary is a great way to start. Tell Him what you are about to do. Tell Him you are about to spend time with Him in prayer by walking through the events of His life and meditating on them. Ask Him to walk with you and help you. I am telling you that when you do this and pray with your heart, you cannot help but feel God and carry him with you throughout your day. The Rosary is about 20 minutes.  

Besides that beautiful prayer, you can pray five-minute prayers or prayers that last hours. There are so many. You can fill your day with prayer. When you arise, immediately thank God for giving you a new day. When you see the beauty of a piece of God’s creation, praise Him for it. When an ambulance goes by with a screaming siren, pray for the person inside. When you are feeling weak, ask Him to give you strength. When your thoughts stray to where they shouldn’t, say, “Lord, have mercy on me, a poor sinner .”At night review your day, asking forgiveness for any way you failed Him, and always give Him glory and praise for all the beautiful gifts that were given to you that day. So very many ways to pray every day and even all day. What a beautiful precious gift we have in prayer. Make your life a living prayer. Start now for the new year, and you will see and feel the changes in your life. It will not mean you will not have struggles, we all do, but He will make them light.  

Matthew 11:28 “Come to me, all you who labor and are burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am meek and humble of heart, and you will find rest for yourselves. For my yoke is easy and my burden light.”. Live for Him and in Him. Prayer will get you there.