
Eucharistic miracles

Regarding the most recent Eucharist: The Eucharistic Miracle that took place on July 22, 2022, at Our Lady of the Rosary parish in the town of Zapotlanejo, near Guadalajara, in the Mexican state of Jalisco

After Mass, the Eucharist was put in the monstrance for adoration, and it started beating like a heart. Supposedly not everyone saw it, but a few people did take a video, and you can see it in the video.

I am not surprised. I think Eucharistic miracles happen more often than we think. I have experienced a Eucharistic miracle myself. It still blows my mind.

I was on a pilgrimage in Medjugorje in Bosnia Herzegovina. The peaceful, beautiful village where our Blessed Mother has been appearing since June 24, 1981. Medjugorje is a peaceful, prayerful, joyful, beautiful village. Our days were spent going to Mass twice a day with lots of prayer sandwiched in between.

One day during our pilgrimage when we went to Mass, my daughter and I entered the crowded church but there was no place to sit except on the floor in front of the first pew, which we did. When it came time for communion, I walked up and received on my tongue and returned to where I was sitting. I knelt on the hard marble floor, and suddenly the Eucharist spread out all moist and warm on my tongue and then started rhythmically beating like a heart. I don’t know for how long. Maybe about five seconds? I don’t know. Then it just slid down my throat, and as it did, I felt the warmth go all the way down. It all felt like slow motion. During all of this, I was, what I call, encapsulated in love, peace, and joy like I have never known. I was not aware of anything else around me. It was an incredible feeling. I stayed in that state for quite a while, for after I received, the whole church had to receive, then the ending of the Mass, then the blessing of the religious articles, then the Mass had to empty out and refill again with more pilgrims. The next thing I knew, a woman that was sitting in the front pew pulled me up onto the pew and said, “the Italian Mass is about to start.” I was still not really with it when she leaned my head onto her shoulder and kissed my head. I think she knew something mystical had happened. I got up to leave, and I don’t even remember if I said thank you. My legs were all wobbly and felt like jelly. I walked out of the church to look for Fr. Peter.

Upon finding Fr. Peter, I told him that something had just happened to me and that I had to talk to him. He told me he really wanted me to hear Fr. Slavko’s talk and that we would meet for spiritual direction afterward. After the talk, I told Fr. Peter. He said, “you received a gift.” I said, “why me? I believe in the true presence” he responded, “why not you? You received a taste of heaven. Go journal exactly how it happened. Don’t add to it or take away from it. You will have this to draw upon for the rest of your life.” It was quite overwhelming to think this had happened. I never ever in my life felt that peace, love, and joy. No one has. Well, maybe some have, but only through the same beautiful gift from God. But that is what we have to look forward to in heaven. Peace, love, and joy like you have never felt before. That is what life is like in heaven. I am so very grateful that God graced me with that precious gift.

What I experienced with the Eucharist that day in Medjugorje was undoubtedly the most amazing, beautiful experience of my life…to feel that much love, peace, and joy. To have once felt it, you want to feel it again. I remember returning home and receiving Eucharist and wanting it to happen, but it never did. It was a once-in-a-lifetime gift, and I will never forget it. Well, I shouldn’t say once in a lifetime because that is up to God. You never know.

As I read the story today about the Eucharist beating like a heart in a church in Mexico, my own heart overflowed. Jesus was so good to me. He still is always good to me. He has had mercy on me, a poor sinner. By the grace of God, I will spend the rest of my years close to Him, walking with Him, and trying my hardest to follow Him and His will for me. Then one day (God willing, as my dad, always said), I will be with Him in heaven, immersed in His love, joy, and peace for all eternity.

God bless you.

Here is a video about three different confirmed Eucharistic miracles. Check it out. You can google to read about them and more. And please leave a comment.