
New Year Blog Series


A big part of being a disciple of Christ is evangelizing. Some walk the walk, and some talk the talk. Now just because you hear someone talking the talk, it does not mean they are not walking the walk. They could also be talking the talk without walking the walk. We are called to do both walk the walk and talk the talk. I believe that if you are walking the walk you cannot help but talk the talk.

Is it reasonable to only walk the walk, keeping those treasures learned hidden in our hearts? Not sharing the things that are more precious than pearls? More precious than gold? We should indeed be walking the walk, but we should also be talking the talk. Isn’t that what the great apostles did? Isn’t that what the great saints did? Isn’t that what great priests do? Doesn’t that desire for evangelization come naturally as a gift from walking the walk?

As Pope Paul VI puts it:

“The person who has been evangelized goes on to evangelize others. Here lies the test of truth, the touchstone of evangelization: it is unthinkable that a person should accept the Word and give himself to the kingdom without becoming a person who bears witness to it and proclaims it in his turn (Evangelii Nuntiandi, 24).

It is impossible for someone to encounter Christ, experience the grace of conversion, and not be filled with the zeal for souls. Impossible. 

As we are not yet perfect, walking the walk, we all stumble and fall, but with faith, determination, and trust in God, we rise again and continue the walk. So walk the walk, talk the talk, and keep getting back up when you fall. But in all things, start everything with prayer.

Continue to 2nd new year blog. Prayer. Without prayer, we have nothing.