About Me

Who am I? I am simply me. No more, no less. What you see is what you get. I don’t pretend to be someone or something that I am not. I only try to be the best “me” that I can be. I love the simple things in life. Simple things are the best things.

Topping the things I delight in is God, my family and my friends, especially those who are the golden thread in my tapestry of life. You know who you are. I delight in my favorite hobbies which are writing and photography. I love creating and I love learning. Everyday is a new opportunity to create and learn. I am currently trying to learn piano. I would love to learn guitar as well!

I truly delight in nature, the great big outdoors with all it’s amazing beauty; the country, lakes, mountains, an oasis of lush greenery sprinkled with butterflies, dragonflies, and the ever welcome friends of the forest; such as bear, chipmunks, squirrels, the sound of crickets on a warm summers eve, the smell after it rains, the coziness of a cabin with a fireplace burning, dandelion wishes, champagne kisses, laying in the snow under the canopy of a starlit sky, skipping stones, music that moves the soul and frees the spirit, dancing ..be it on the grass, sand, in the rain, in a barn, or in a house, walks on the beach along the shore, sunrises, sunsets, back road country drives, picnics, barefooted times, playful times, loving times, best of times – all of the time. And that was only some…Welcome to Simply me at simplyme.blog! Enjoy.

That is me above in the blue and white dress. The other photo is a stock image that was already on this page when I started. Funny because it looks like a photo that belongs on “simply me”. I love it and I absolutely love sun dresses!! It is what I wear all summer long.

A few of my favorite things

How I would love a writing cabin on a lake!


I love writing. Unfortunately for many years I lacked the confidence to believe I was any good. A great friend helped me gain the confidence I needed to share my writings. I wrote two children’s books which I would like to publish and am looking forward to writing more as well as my memoirs. I love writing poetry and I have written a few songs.


During a sad, tumultuous time in my life a year ago, I found my passion for photography. Connecting with wildlife in nature during those moments took me out of my head. During those moments all that existed were my camera and my subject. While I captured wildlife it also captured my mind and heart for those few moments, one moment after another, releasing me temporarily from emotional pain.

Beach Lake at Tuscarora Lodge, Beach Lake, P.A


There is nothing like being outside in the fresh air surrounded by all the beautiful things nature has to offer. So very much to see and do. I can get lost observing just about any living creature. My favorite to watch is butterflies and dragonflies as they fascinate me. Actually all wildlife fascinates me! I love to watch all of it. I took the above photo of one of my special places: Beach lake in Beach Lake, P.A. A serene lake that exudes tranquility. I love spending time there. My favorite is going out on the lake is really early in the morning around 6:00 or 6:3o. There is no once else out there. Just me all by myself on a kayak in the lake taking in the sounds and sights of nature.

Click here to see my first post – Goodbye 2020/Hello 2021


4 replies on “About Me”

Hi Mary, I found your blog post about Robyn and Five Towns College. I attended from Summer 1990 through May 1992. The school was a small, family atmosphere where teachers knew us on a first name basis. Cherished memories. The college has since moved to Dix Hills, and the former location turned into condos. It’s hard to believe. I am working on a project to digitize older yearbooks and memorabilia from Five Towns College before they are lost. My book was swiped by a roommate. If you have any yearbooks, is it possible that you can please take a few minutes and photograph the pages? Unfortunately our yearbook printer did not retain archives. 516-833-5506

Hello Mary I just love everything about your website.
I know and believe you will touch many minds and hearts.
Love you my dear friend.
God bless you always and forever!!!!.
Love you so much
Donna Kliegl

I love you so much as well! Thank you for all of your encouragement. It is so kind of you. You are very dear to me.

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