
Goodbye 2020

What a year 2020 has been! It was certainly a year, unlike any other. Life was good; then, bam, we are amid a pandemic that changed everyone’s lives. Labeling it as an “awful year” is understating it. Who would have ever thought such a thing would happen: People sick, people dying, no church services then limited church services, limited wedding, and funeral attendance, businesses having to close, no visitors in hospitals or nursing homes, schools doing remote learning or partial remote, suicides because of despair, and of course, the ever hated mask-wearing. Then there was the division on mask-wearing/social distancing. I have more to say on that, but that will be another post.

As awful as it was, we can still find that 2020 had some good in it. They say every cloud has a silver lining. The year still did contain happy times, and that is where we should dwell. Babies were born, people married, people bought houses, people got organized, dreams came true, online church services had high attendance, people helped each other, and good things still happened.

Hold the good in your heart, shake off the bad, and pray for those we’ve lost and their loved ones.

Hello 2021

10, 9, 8, 5, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1..

I think we can agree that we are all happy and excited for the clock to strike Midnight tonight. The hopes that 2021 is a better year will be shared by all as we toast to bring it in. Personally, I will be out banging pots and pans outside while screaming “Happy New Year” and then seal it with some sparkler festivity as usual. It won’t be much different from last year, but the relentless burning we all feel for a new year will be new. Prayers will be rising like incense from our lips to the heavens for there to be an end to Covid and for life to return to normal.

As you enter into 2021, there is so much to think about. Have you made your New Year’s resolutions yet? Some people don’t make resolutions. I like to. It is like a brand new start. Here are some ideas for a better year regardless of things that happen that are beyond our control.

Inspirational New Years Resolution Ideas. The Ultimate List For 2021. –  Piplum

😍 Some good resolutions are bettering your life through eating healthy, exercising your body and your brain, meditating, praying, and doing things you love to do, things that nourish your body, mind, and spirit. Here is a list of more…

  • 😍 Be thankful for your blessings, whatever they may be.
  • 😍 Be hopeful for your future.
  • 😍 Take time to reflect on making your life and the lives of those around you better.
  • 😍 Use your senses; smell the roses, see the beauty all around you, feel the rain on your face, taste every delicious morsel there is to taste; really taste it, listen to the beautiful sounds of the birds, the ocean waves, children laughing, and appreciate every bit of it.
  • 😍 Dance
  • 😍 Listen to music
  • 😍 Laugh
  • 😍 Be positive
  • 😍 Be playful
  • 😍 Be spontaneous
  • 😍 Be grateful
  • 😍 Be kind
  • 😍 Find your passion
  • 😍 Enjoy the beauty of nature
  • 😍 Do the thing you have always wanted to do
  • 😍 Learn something new
  • 😍 Conquer your fears, one at a time
  • 😍 Live in the present
  • 😍 Make lemonade with those lemons thrown at you
  • 😍 Build up your immune system. It is the best defense against Covid. Try extra C, D3, Zinc on top of your multi. Drink lots of water and eat foods rich in antioxidants. FYI: dark chocolate is an antioxidant!

If you are struggling right now, don’t quit. There is always light at the end of the tunnel. Find that light; be it from a conversation with a good friend or a trained professional. Look for help to find that light and believe that you will find it because you will. Get out of the past. You are not living there anymore. Embrace the here and now. This moment is all you have. Always believe, always hope, never close the door because you will never know all the beautiful things waiting for you on the other side. I know you can do it! I believe in you. Believe in yourself. You can do it.

My New Year Wish For You

Thank you for entering into “Simply me” and reading my very first post. I hope you enjoyed it. Please return for future posts coming in the next few days, and please think about letting others know about this blog.

Love, peace, joy, & kindness be unto you always …. Mary

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