
New Year Blog Series


Tomorrow is New Year’s Eve. Now is an excellent time to sit back and self-examine where you want to make changes. The upcoming new year forces us to do that if we let it. It is like a natural yearly rhythm. We are ending a year where we know we could have done better, looking forward to a year where we can make it a better one.

When I look back on my past year, I see places for much improvement. Looking back, I noticed that I did so much better when I was consistent with my prayer. Where there is a need for self-improvement, there is a need for prayer. None of us is perfect, and there is always room for self-improvement. New years resolutions are full of all the ways we want to improve. An increased prayer life should be the number one resolution. I have noticed when fear or worry starts to consume me…that is when my prayer life has not been so great. When this happens, I immediately pray to God for his help and get back on track again.

Do you get filled with fear, worry, or anxiety? Take some wisdom from the bible, which states many times over not to worry, and from the saintly lips of Padre Pio, who says, “Pray, Hope, and Don’t Worry”. I speak to you not as a know-it-all but as someone who has walked both paths and knows how valuable a solid prayer life is. I notice time, and again when my prayer life falters, worry is quick to rise. I genuinely feel a consistent prayer life will help you meet your other New Year goals to self-improve. 

Prayer is essential to peace of mind. Daily prayer keeps us connected to our almighty and ever-loving God. A quote comes to mind that bears not only wisdom but fruit; Know God, know peace, No God, no peace. Easy-peasy! There it is, my friends; the key to peace!

This blog page is entitled “simply me,” and you cannot get much simpler than prayer. It doesn’t cost money to pray; you can pray anywhere and anytime. It is also something that no one can take from you. You can pray verbally, and you can pray silently. The difficult part may be for some people to find the time as we seem to busy ourselves with so much other STUFF. You know what I am talking about…social media, TV, sports, gaming…etc. I am too at fault.

Jesus himself taught us how to pray in The Lord’s Prayer. Our Father, Who art in Heaven, Hallowed be Thy name, Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done, on earth as it is in Heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us, and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. It is all right there. It truly is the perfect prayer. The Hail Mary is another beautiful prayer that honors both Mary and Jesus and asks for our beautiful Blessed Mother Mary’s intercession. Then there is the Glory Be prayer, where we bring all our prayers together, glorifying the most Blessed Trinity.

All three of these prayers are in the Rosary, which is a beautiful way wonderful to pray. You can find more about the Rosary here: or by reading one of the many books on the Rosary, especially those by Fr. Donald Calloway, which you can find here:  

Some people have great difficulty with the Rosary and give it up without giving it a chance as they find it too repetitive and dull. But if you persevere (you can do all things through Christ who strengthens you), you will eventually be immersed in the most lovely journey of Christ’s life. There are five decades, and each is a different mystery you meditate on. Four sets of 5 mysteries about Jesus’ life are said on different days. It is absolutely beautiful. Before I begin a rosary, I like to first just speak to God, telling him that I am about to spend some time with Him on his life journey and ask him to come with me. You will discover that the Rosary will bring you much joy and beauty when you persevere. Beautiful things happen when you pray and immerse yourself in prayer. The Rosary is our spiritual weapon against all evil. I highly recommend it. This is what Catholic Magazine has to say about the Rosary: A powerful and serious devotion, full of reflection. We discover small but precious theological treasures in the Rosary that make it a masterpiece of Catholic spirituality and doctrine. This devotion has tremendous power and substance. It does not involve merely emotions; on the contrary, it is serious, full of reflection, and with firm foundations.

Talking to Jesus before starting a rosary is a great way to start. Tell Him what you are about to do. Tell Him you are about to spend time with Him in prayer by walking through the events of His life and meditating on them. Ask Him to walk with you and help you. I am telling you that when you do this and pray with your heart, you cannot help but feel God and carry him with you throughout your day. The Rosary is about 20 minutes.  

Besides that beautiful prayer, you can pray five-minute prayers or prayers that last hours. There are so many. You can fill your day with prayer. When you arise, immediately thank God for giving you a new day. When you see the beauty of a piece of God’s creation, praise Him for it. When an ambulance goes by with a screaming siren, pray for the person inside. When you are feeling weak, ask Him to give you strength. When your thoughts stray to where they shouldn’t, say, “Lord, have mercy on me, a poor sinner .”At night review your day, asking forgiveness for any way you failed Him, and always give Him glory and praise for all the beautiful gifts that were given to you that day. So very many ways to pray every day and even all day. What a beautiful precious gift we have in prayer. Make your life a living prayer. Start now for the new year, and you will see and feel the changes in your life. It will not mean you will not have struggles, we all do, but He will make them light.  

Matthew 11:28 “Come to me, all you who labor and are burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am meek and humble of heart, and you will find rest for yourselves. For my yoke is easy and my burden light.”. Live for Him and in Him. Prayer will get you there.