
Blue Car Crew

It was 1974, and I was walking through the bustling hallway at my Jr. High School. Suddenly my steps slowed when a girl brushed bedside me. “Do you want to come to my sleepover birthday party?” Her sing-song voice sounded pleasantly uplifting and cheerful. Her question surprised me. Was she really asking me? I asked if my friend could come because I loved her and so wanted her included. Very bold, but I needed to ask. Her quick negative response of no echoed in my ears and left my heart and stomach wrenched. I calmly responded a cool yes while riding the wave of excitement, mingled with disappointment, until the night of the party.

The Party was a blast. I don’t remember how many girls were there. I remember Andrea and Jean were two of them, and of course Lois, and her twin Mary. We had many laughs into the wee hours of the morning, finally falling asleep on our blankets on the floor. Everyone accepted me and treated me as if I had been a part of the group forever. The party catapulted me into a whole new group of friends. The years since have had their ebbs and flows, but our strong, warm feelings for one another remain consistent.

On the side of a dead-end road, before Cedar Creek park, an old decaying blue car stood in high weeds. High weeds lined both sides of the street, making it the perfect hideaway spot, bathroom spot, or make-out spot. This was our hang-out. I was a few months shy of 15 when I started hanging out at the blue car. While the other girls began around 12. Ah, all those fun times I had missed! My walk to the blue car was a long one, nearly 17 blocks. It was an easy peasy lemon squeezy walk. But going home? I won’t lie, SCARY. I would walk anxiously, awaiting the weirdos who were out late at night. Sometimes a random weirdo would drive his car alongside me. I felt safer when Ann and I would walk home together. Sometimes I would ask to stay out longer. I remember the many times I would call home from Joma’s payphone to ask if I could come home later. My dad’s answer: “you better get home now, or you’re getting beat.” That made me pick up the pace of my walk even faster. The lucky ones who lived closer could be home in a flash, especially Andrea, who lived on the same street as the blue car.

1975; the year of the blue car. I can confidently say it was, for me anyhow, as the year was delightful! We hung out listening to music and doing other stuff (keeping it clean here). Other places we hung out are Joma’s (a pizza place) and the pinball arcade, both around the corner. The local police officer would show up just to annoy us. I do not remember his name; maybe officer Sweeney? But I remember it to be #711 who came around often when we were in the store’s parking lot; his mission? To ruin our good time. I can’t remember precisely why 🤔 but I remember it being a thing and him being a nuisance 😂. In addition, we would hang at the Walls (the handball courts at Cedar Creek Park) or on Cedar Street (cops again). The blue car was always our best bet. We always hung out, whether it be during the hottest heat or the coldest cold. My memory isn’t the best, but I remember mostly hanging out there at night. Sometimes we would spend hot summer days at Central Mall (field 4) at Jones Beach.

Unfortunately, I don’t have many memories of specific things with the group. The feel of fun and warmth pervades me when I reminisce. In high school, there was fun in the pigpen (an outside section with tables). As seniors, we could smoke cigarettes there. It was crazy; our school let us smoke during senior year! Most of us could not smoke at home (rightfully so), but our school let us smoke! Sometimes we cut school and spent time at the bleachers or the train station where the truant officer, Mr. Andolf would chase us in his little black Renault. I cut little as I had too much fear for my life. If my father caught me, I’d be dead. I only did it a handful of times, if that. Study hall was always fun, and there was a senior lounge we used to hang in while seniors. We grew up at a different time. Our Sr. Trip was a mess, and photos of beer, cigarettes, and bongs dotted our yearbook. These were the seventies, and these were the times of the Blue Car Crew; we wouldn’t have changed it for the world.

Since those days, much has changed, but one thing has never changed; Our connection to each other and that fun, warm feeling when we meet. Seeing us that day we gathered, you would never guess it had been a while since we were together. The “blue car crew,” as Andrea affectionately named us, is still going strong. We played around in the pool, reminisced, laughed, shared stories, and truly felt so comfortable with each other. We remembered like it was yesterday, and what we did not remember, Ann did! She is the historian, so to speak, of the group. She remembers everything! Like a walking, talking, Wikipedia

Our group has gathered at a restaurant/bar over the years, but it was nothing like Andrea’s. She and Donny have Runyon’s beat by a mile! Donny is Andrea’s husband, who played host to us girls, catering to our every whim while doing it all so effortlessly. He endured our jokes and banter, and he did so very well 👏! And Andrea? besides being the “hostess with the mostest”, she is the glue helping to keep us together.

‘Twas lovely time spent with dear old friends. Nothing like being with those you have known for 47 plus years. We wished that the rest of our blue car crew friends were there, but hopefully, they will join us the next time, which will be next month! Having the entire group together would be the ultimate. While that is an uncertainty, we stay hopeful for that dream to come true.

I hope we can keep doing this till we are old and gray… well, older and grayer, I should say 😂. Let’s just do our best to take care of ourselves. Those who stayed late were lucky for the close-to-midnight exercise tips from Andrea! Please see her for details! Caution: extreme soreness follows 😂! May we continue to gather until the end of our days!

To the blue car crew… I love you. I cherish our memories and look forward to the times ahead of us. Our friendship has made my life richer. Be happy, be at peace, be well, be safe, love and be loved, and stay connected. Life is good! 😍😘🥰

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2 replies on “Blue Car Crew”

Mary, that story is filled with so much love! That’s a fantastic bunch of memories, thank you!!💝 I cherish the whole crew!

Thanks Claire! So happy you liked it! It was fun to write! So blessed to be in the Blue Car Crew and love that we will be meeting more often! ♥️

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