

Amen = I believe. It means both God’s faithfulness towards us and our trust in Him. But it means even more. It means we put our lives forward for that truth. As Fr. Jerome Magat says, “And so, more than simply I believe, the word “Amen” means that I place my life forward for the truth of a particular claim. It is more than an idea that lives in the mind. It is also an act of the will expressing God’s trustworthiness and my desire to believe, trust and love Him. AMEN!

The other night my husband watched the movie “Lillies of the Field”. He loves that movie. I have not seen it since I was a child. The three things I remember are:

1. Sidney Poitier 2. Nuns 3. The song “Amen.” I remember as a child singing the chorus and even breaking out in song on certain occasions when you heard a big “Amen.” Click the link to see the video. Sing along. It will bring you such joy! How could it not?

LILIES OF THE FIELD (1963) Finds the Miraculous in Loving ...

I watched the movie this morning and I have to say it is now one of my favorites. Superb acting by Sidney Poitier and a beautiful message of humility, simplicity, and reliance upon God in all things. Watching all these things unfold in this timeless classic was heartwarming.

How many times can you look back on your own life and see God’s hand at work? Some may scoff at Mother Maria’s idea that God sent Homer to build a chapel by saying she thought God sent Homer. No, Mother Maria “knew” that God sent Homer. There lies the difference between true faith and none. Mother Maria was fully reliant on God. Homer appeared to marvel at her innocent dependence on God for everything. She just knew. A modern-day “Mother Maria” is Mother Angelica. Mother Angelica relied on God too, fully trusting her prayers would be answered if it was His will. She started a television network out of the garage and ended up building a global television network, a monastery, and a shrine. Oh wait, she did not build it… she was just the instrument needed. Just as Homer was the instrument God needed to build the chapel. Mother Angelica has evangelized to millions of people worldwide. Eternal Word Television Network has reached over 200 million homes in 145 different countries. It is a network that runs 24 hours a day and in several languages and a variety of religious programming. One of those people she reached was me. Mother Angelica helped bring me back to God, and she taught me so very much. One of the first things she taught me was how to pray the rosary. The most important thing she taught me was true presence in the Eucharist. Mother Angelica’s faith, reliance, and trust in God is something to be admired and something we can all acquire. She felt where God was calling her and she relied on Him to help her get the job done. Just as Mother Maria from Lillies of the Field relied on God to get the job done using Homer.

When have you relied on God? Have you seen Him come through? Sometimes He doesn’t answer our prayers in the way we want, but He does help. Look at your past. Do you see when you placed complete trust in Him? Did you place complete trust in Him? Did he answer your prayers, even in ways you would not expect? It is not always so easy to do, but you just have to believe. End your request with a powerful heartfelt AMEN!

When I was a single mom with rent to pay and a 6-year-old daughter to take care of, I lost my job. Christmas was right around the corner. I was overwhelmed with the prospect of no presents for my daughter and the thought of losing our apartment. I couldn’t take it anymore. I knelt down on my knees in my living room, raised my arms up to God and said, “God, please it is too much for me. Please God, I cannot do this. Please take all of it and take care of it for me. I know you can.” Giving it to Him I felt an immediate release. I felt him take it and I trusted he would take care of it. Two days later, an overnight package arrived in my mailbox. It was written out to me and from me. I opened it and the card there was $3,000. cash. True story. Ends up the very dear person who sent it said a prayer to God for guidance on some extra money she had. God responded “Mary.” Laura was God’s instrument and she has been so much throughout her life. That answered pray blows my mind still, but it shouldn’t. Doesn’t God tell us in the bible to give our burdens to him? In Matthew 11:28-30, Jesus tells us, “Come to me, all you that are weary and are carrying heavy burdens, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me; for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.”

Looking back to other times in my life, it is obvious where God’s beautiful instruments helped me through tough times. There are so many. If you are reading this and have been one of them, you know it. Thank you and Thank you God!

If you have never seen the movie “Lillies of the Field” watch it now. Don’t put it off. If you have seen it, watch it again. It is a delightful, charming movie and it will hopefully reawaken the awareness that God is always there for us and how we should always be present to Him.